Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Drinking Alcohol And Breastfeeding Is It Bad To Drink Alcohol While Breastfeeding? And What Are The Affects?

Is it bad to drink alcohol while breastfeeding? and what are the affects? - drinking alcohol and breastfeeding

I know it's a silly question, but I wanted just a margarita for a special occasion.


Deborah P said...

Moderate consumption is safe ... You do not pump and throw .. The only reason to pump or hand strike out a little milk is just for you ... Alcohol is not only BM, when the pump is distributed, as has been done through your blood ..

"What about alcohol and breastfeeding?
Women are often advised not to consume alcohol during pregnancy, as ample evidence showed that constitutes a serious and avoidable risk to the unborn child. The risks of alcohol consumption during lactation are not defined as well. Breastfeeding mothers receive, conflicting advice about whether alcohol has an effect on the child, the mothers often feel they have more questions than answers. What information should I know drink a mother who intends to while breastfeeding?

TYPE La Leche League breastfeeding women says (p. 328):

The effects of alcohol on the breastfeeding baby are directly related to the amount consumed by the mother are related. When the mother drinks occasionally or breastfeedingLimit their consumption for a drink or less per day, the amount of alcohol, her baby does not get shown to be harmful.

La Leche League Breastfeeding Answer Book (p. 597-598) wrote:

Alcohol passes freely into breast milk and it was found that 30 to 60 minutes after the consumption peak, 60 to 90 minutes after eating. Alcohol also is free from the milk of a mother and her system. It takes a woman £ 120 for two to three hours to rid your body of alcohol in one serving of beer or wine ... the more alcohol consumed, the longer it takes to eliminate apply. It takes up to 13 hours for a woman £ 120 to eliminate the high alcohol content of drinking water. The effects of alcohol on the breastfeeding baby are directly related to the amount consumed by the mother are related. "

Current research indicates that occasional consumption of alcohol (drinks 1-2) is not harmful to the baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs claSSIFIED alcohol (ethanol) as "the mother of medicines in general compatible with breastfeeding.
Many experts recommend drinking no more than 1-2 drinks per week.
It is recommended to avoid breast-feeding mothers during lactation and for 2-3 hours after drinking (Hale, 2002).
No need to pump and dump milk after drinking alcohol, except for Mom's comfort not speed - pumping and dumping the elimination of alcohol in the milk.
Alcohol does not increase milk production, and it has been shown that the origin of reduced milk production and prevent (see below).
If you are away from your baby, try as often as baby usually nurses pump (this is the amount of milk to hold, no alcohol). At least, pump or hand express the way, where you feel uncomfortable - this will help to prevent plugged ducts and mastitis.
In general, when you're sober enough to drive sober enough to breastfeed. Consumes less than 2% of alcohol by the mother reaches the blood and milk. Peak blood alcohol and milk from the motherAst 1/2-1 hour after drinking (although it consumes considerable variation from person to person, depending on the amount of food in the same period, the mother's body weight and body fat, etc..) Alcohol does not accumulate in breastmilk, but leaves the milk in your blood, so that it is the alcohol in the blood down to turn the alcohol in her milk. "
http://www.kellymom.com/health/lifestyle ...

ツ Connors Mommy ツ said...

Not bad to drink alcohol while breastfeeding? You are entitled to enjoy a drink from time to time, but not too far!

If you think you are drunk / nurse, drunk. If you feel more sober, it is acceptable to continue breastfeeding.

Alcohol is the mother's milk at the same rate that the blood leaves. A drink that takes an hour from the blood, two glasses or two hours and so on ...

Only care plan before drinking, and if you have one, for the next shot, it should go.

Have fun and enjoy your margarita! They are delicious!

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