Friday, February 12, 2010

8 Weeks Pregnant With Polyp 8 Weeks Pregnant And Bleeding-sort Of?

8 weeks pregnant and bleeding-sort of? - 8 weeks pregnant with polyp

For example, 6 weeks pregnant I went to my gynecologist because I (no bleeding, absorb a platform, but rather mixed, but bright red) and the transfer of certain tissues. She thought it might be a miscarriage and blood tests. My pregnancy hormones were literally) 75,000 (I wanted to do an ultrasound, so I no longer than I thought. Ultrasound remains high, do not worry and 135bpm in a heartbeat. This is a cervical polyp, which he could say. Doc said everything was good and sent me on my way. A few weeks later and I still bleed. A few days more, some less, but still red light. This is not what I said in my 1st Pregnancy, and I know that I listen to the doc. But why am I still bleed red? Most people have talked about spotting during pregnaAncy, but it is a signal "danger" if it is bright red.


Rosiepop said...

Bright red blood is usually not a good sign could, however, the location of the placenta, the blood clots, bright red, and although the baby comes, it may well result.

What's on the bleeding after sex? This can also worsen bleeding.

But I think if you fear that you really need to answer, talk to your doctor about why it might be. It is not enough, they are told not to worry - that in May and pats on the head.

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